THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT – Please read carefully before signing.
1. Acknowledgment of Risks I, the undersigned participant or parent/guardian of the
participant, hereby acknowledge that participation in training sessions, both virtually through
the Athletes of Life platform and in-person activities, carries inherent risks. These risks may
include, but are not limited to, physical injury, emotional distress, or even death, due to the
nature of physical activities and interactions involved in sports and training. I understand that
these risks may arise from my own actions, the actions of others, or the condition of the facilities
and equipment.
2. Assumption of Risk I voluntarily assume all risks associated with participation in these
activities, including but not limited to:
3. Release of Liability In consideration of being permitted to participate in Athletes of Life training sessions, I hereby waive, release, and discharge Athletes of Life, its coaches, employees, volunteers, sponsors, and any affiliated organizations from any and all claims, liabilities, or damages arising from or related to my participation in these activities, including any claims arising from negligence.
4. Medical Treatment I consent to receive medical treatment in the event of injury or illness during my participation in the training sessions. I agree that Athletes of Life shall not be liable for any costs associated with such treatment.
5. Indemnification I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Athletes of Life from any claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of my participation in the training sessions, including any claims brought by third parties.
6. Parent/Guardian Consent (if applicable) If I am signing this waiver as a parent or guardian of a participant under 18 years of age, I acknowledge that I have read this waiver and understand its contents. I consent to my child’s participation in the Athletes of Life training sessions and agree to all terms contained herein.
7. Governing Law This waiver shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which Athletes of Life operates.
8. Acknowledgment of Understanding I have read this waiver in its entirety, and I fully understand its terms. I am aware that by signing this waiver, I am relinquishing certain legal rights, including the right to sue. I sign this waiver voluntarily and of my own free will.
Participant’s Name: ________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________
If Participant is under 18, Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________
Date: ____________________________________________
Policies and Terms